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Avocus Publishing

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Guide to College in Canada for American Students

Discover why studying in Canada offers American students world-renowned educational opportunities and tremendous value with College in Canada. Written with U.S. students in mind, this fact-filled guidebook offers comprehensive information on all accredited Canadian universities. Each school is presented in its own profile. Coverage includes a listing of all the majors available at the undergraduate and graduate levels as well as detailed information on admissions and finance. Other school-specific information included is: school size, accommodation information, special study options, and exchange programs. In addition to the school profiles, introductory chapters discuss frequently asked questions about studying in Canada. The information is presented in such a way that readers get a sense of what to expect and understand how to prepare for studying in Canada. The time has never been better for students and parents to consider Canada for a college education.

ISBN 978-1-890765-12-5
Stock No. AV5120
Paperback $27.50

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