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Avocus Publishing

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8.5 x 11
306 pages

Quests & Quandaries
2nd Edition

Carol W. Hotchkiss

A dynamic, interactive text-workbook perfect for life issues and human development courses, Quests & Quandaries is a timeless classic in the field of personal growth and education. Focusing on such vital topics as personal identity and education, racism, gender roles, responsible choices in sexuality, roles in groups and management of conflict and stress, Quests & Quandaries is an essential part of any school's program to create a healthy, happy educational environment rooted in sound values. Using exercises, readings and relevant quotations to guide students toward improved self-esteem, communications and decision-making, Quests & Quandaries helps the educator create a community in which young people can grow into productive adults.

Author Carol Hotchkiss, after 30 years of teaching, counseling and administrative experience in independent schools, is now Director of the Durango Institute on Co-Curricular Education in Durango, Colorado. Not losing sight of its original focus, the new edition takes a fresh look at stress, brain research, club and date rape drugs, HIV/AIDS, abortion and birth control. Added to this edition are sections on multiculturalism, violence in schools and culture, the Internet, self-injury, sleep, learning disabilities and AD/HD, and time management.

Hotchkiss understands the importance of mixing individual and collaborative exercises as she addresses sensitive subjects students and teachers alike can discuss. She presents difficult problems and offers clever, constructive ways to solve them. Young readers are challenged, entertained and enlightened by Hotchkiss's level headed, even-handed approach.

ISBN: 1-890765-08-2
Stock No. 5082
Paperback $29.95


"Quests & Quandaries is the kind of resource that anyone who is helping students navigate adolescence should have.This book serves as a compass that allows them to explore their complex and developing inner worlds freely - and to end up facing true north."

Paula Chu, PH. D.
Director of Counseling
The Ethel Walker School

"I can't wait to replace my dog-eared, post-it filled copy of Quests & Quandaries with this new edition. The fundamental curriculum is enhanced by information and activities on topics such as school violence and raves, topics that my sophomore inevitably raised in discussions in our Wellness class."

Cheryl Jenkins, Ph. D
Director of Counseling
The Loomis Chaffee School

9 x 11.5
140 pages

Quests & Quandaries - Curriculum Guide

The Quests & Quandaries Curriculum Guide offers a step-by-step approach to teaching Quests & Quandaries. Author Carol Hotchkiss presents the instructor with a wide range of options representing years of experience and expertise in the delicate art of guiding young students as they become young adults.

Stock No. 580
Paperback $21.95

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