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Avocus Publishing

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5.5 x 8.5
328 pages

Second Home: Life in a Boarding School, Second Edition

Craig Thorn IV, Editor

The perfect resource for students, prospective students and parents contemplating a boarding school education. The first edition of this student-, teacher- and administrator-authored book became an indispensable reference on what life is like in a boarding school. This new, second edition substantially expands on the first edition and will become the staple for those wishing to do a 'due diligence' examination in the search for the right decision.

The contributors to this comprehensive view of boarding school life tackle a variety of subjects both inside and outside the classroom, including 'Settling In', 'Settling into Relationships', 'Beyond the First Friends', 'Extracurricular Life', 'Citizenship, On and Off Campus', 'The Rewards of Taking Academic Chances', and 'Curricular Matters'.

This book is a must for students and parents considering a boarding school education, for many young people the first time away from home.

ISBN: 1-890765-00-7
Stock No. 5007
Paperback $16.95


"The writing is hopeful, bouncy, even when so much advice is being given. The idea of letting so many of the writers be boarding school students themselves is one of the keys to the book's success... it could be a curriculum for a life issues' course. Thanks for letting me read it!"

Ted Sizer
Author, Horace's Compromise
Former Chairman
The Coalition of Essential Schools
Providence, Rhode Island

"Boys and girls approaching boarding school will learn much from the punchy, direct writing on topics that really matter, from how to talk about sex to where to find the pizza parlor. Blending insights of experienced teachers with those of academically committed and savvy students, the collection is both a practical guide and a morally-rooted vision of the best way to live at school away from home."

John Ratte, Educational Consultant
Headmaster (retired)
Loomis-Chaffee School
Windsor, Connecticut

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