8.5 x 11
368 pages
Uniquely Gifted: Identifying and Meeting the Needs of the Twice Exceptional Student, Reference Edition
An Avocus Advocacy in Education Title
Kiesa Kay, Editor
In Uniquely Gifted: Identifying and Meeting the Needs of the Twice Exceptional Student, Kiesa Kay has brought together parents, students, teachers, administrators and research specialists in an extraordinary book that explores all aspects of individualized academic programs for exceptional students. The reader will learn about the support resources and the compassion needed to give the twice exceptional a fair and appropriate education.
"Some day, teachers, parents and administrators will realize that the uniqueness of the twice-exceptional students can be the basis for more learning that should be the foundation of a high quality and personalized approach to educating all learners. This book thoughtfully and sensitively describes (this uniqueness), charts a course for dealing with (it), and thus brings us closer to that day."
Joseph Renzulli
Director of the National Research Center
for the Gifted and Talented