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Avocus Publishing

Cover Image
8.5 x 11
282 pages

The Readable Thesis

An Avocus Educational Text

Darrell Walters

Most style manuals focus on the manuscript -- the mechanics of competent writing and the formalities of presentation -- but forget the hard part in between: the writing. Darrel Walters's The Readable Thesis returns the reader to the heart of the matter: the relationship between thinking and writing. He focuses on crisp sentences that lead to clean paragraphs and clear, cogent arguments.

Organizing the book around the goals of good writing (clarity, precision, strength and grace), Walters addresses the basic needs of all writers: high school students writing essays, graduate and undergraduate students writing dissertations, and professionals writing proposals..

ISBN: 1-890765-02-3-9-0
Stock No. 5023
Paperback $27.95


"It's aimed at academics, but The Readable Thesis is a boon to business writers, too. Clear, concise, jargon-free writing is invaluable, whether writing to other professionals, communicating with customers, or creating training materials. The bookmark alone - with its 26 valuable writing principles - is worth more than some books."

Sharon Shapowal
Associate Director
U.S. Regulatory Affairs
SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals

"This is a user-friendly reference guide for upper level high school writers - an excellent tool for either AP or IB level solutions."

Barry Heywood
Guidance Dept. Chair and District Test Coordinator
Vicksburg Community Schools
Vicksburg, MI

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